Over the weekend, I performed at a lovely party celebrating the double milestone birthdays (60th and 70th) of a couple here in California. The literal definition of milestone, of course, is a marker placed on a route that shows how far one has traveled. As I setup and performed my magic show, I learned how the couple met, a little about their international travels and heard some wonderful stories about their friends and family. I also reflected on my own magical journey.
I’ve been putting extra love into the narrative and the sonic quality of my magic performances this year. I’m sharing more of my life story in the show as well as refining the sound and the music that I use. These aspects require extra time and greater investments in equipment to get right, but spectators notice them. As I brought in all of my gear to the party, I overheard one of the guests talking to friend: “Wow, a magician. I’ve been watching him setup. This guy knows what he’s doing.” The show was a hit and fun to perform too.
As I said my goodbyes and packed everything up, I received the thank you card that you see in this photo. Some of the family also wouldn’t let me leave without taking some delicious things to eat. They gave me a nice tip too. As I travelled home, I was filled with gratitude to have met these people and to have been part of such a meaningful celebratory moment in their lives.
Here’s to the magical milestones in life. Let’s celebrate them and be grateful for them.